Examples those with learning difficulties or their families have experienced:
- Educational Psychologist’s (EP) assessment shows specific learning difficulties and not sure what to do next?
- Struggling to find the right help for you or your child?
- Suffering low self-esteem and lacking in self-confidence?
- Struggling with reading, writing or spelling?
- Are capital letters and punctuation non-existent in your or your child’s writing?
- Is homework a nightmare for your child (and you)?
- Still experiencing learning difficulties, even with an Individual Education Plan at school?
- Does your child have difficulty sitting still?
- Do you avoid filling in forms?
- Do you carry an empty specs case and pretend you’ve forgotten your glasses if asked to read?
- Do you struggle to tie shoelaces?
- Do you struggle to write down telephone numbers correctly?
- Do you or your child forget what’s just been asked if given a list of things to do?
- Does being tidy and organised not exist in your or your child’s life?
- One sibling struggling at school and not sure why?
- Great thoughts and ideas in your head but can’t get them down on paper?
- Find you reverse words: “was” instead of “saw”?
- Write “caution” instead of “auction”, "left" instead of "felt"?
- Find you write “somke” instead of “smoke”?
- Shorten words: professinal instead of professional, sudly instead of suddenly?
- Writing varies in size, mixture of upper and lower case letters used, difficulty writing on the line?
- Difficulty holding pencil correctly, grip so tight arm aches causing tiredness?
- Struggle to use a knife and fork correctly?
- Finds difficulty copying from the board or sharing a worksheet?
- Confusion with small words: at, and, for, as?
- Change the order of words: "he is" to "is he"?
- Words missed out or substituted with similar word that changes context?
- Find it hard to keep your place on the line when reading?
- Find it hard to understand what is read?
- Struggles to learn alphabet, days of the week, months of the year, tables?
- Difficulty looking up words in a dictionary or names in the telephone book?
- Struggles with learning to tell the time - tried various types of watches with no success?
- Mixes up right, left, up, down and points on a compass?
- Difficulty reading music, Roman Numerals or other symbols?
- Feel clumsy at sport and never chosen for the team?
Raviv Scotland can help you overcome your learning and attention difficulties.
Please don’t ignore learning difficulties and choose to wait and see if things improve.
They won’t, not without the right help.