Fast ForWord Series of Programmes
It is a series of computer-delivered brain fitness exercises designed to produce dramatic language and reading improvements in a variety of student populations by improving memory, attention and processing skills. The Fast ForWord products support existing curriculum—they don't replace it. When students process more efficiently, every other instructional strategy works better. Students can achieve a one-to-two year gain in reading skills in 8 - 12 weeks.
The Fast ForWord programmes are a proven, evidence-based digital solution that can easily be used at home to rapidly accelerate learning and improve reading and learning skills.
Practice makes permanent - brains need repeated and intentional practice to master skills and build long-lasting neural pathways. Evidence-based technology like the Fast Forword programmes can provide the necessary practice opportunities, especially for struggling readers.
The Fast ForWord software provides targeted and rigorous practice that sharpens any learner's reading skills, whether they are below, at, or above grade level.
What benefits might you see after your child starts working on the Fast ForWord programmes?
What you can do to help?
Targeted Intervention that Strengthens Reading
Foundations I & II Scope & Sequence
Results are seen in reading and learning. Fast ForWord strengthens both cognitive and fundamental reading and language skills.
Elements I & II Scope & Sequence
Reading Readiness, Reading Levels 1 - 3 and
NEW Reading Comprehension COMING SOON!
Scope & Sequence
Fast ForWord is based on neuroscience research
Fast ForWord Features
Fast ForWord is recommended by speech and language therapists, education psychologists, teachers, medical practitioners, parents, university researchers, neuroscientists, and audiologists.